Tuesday, September 22, 2009

- President's ( Abang Chua ) Remarks -

Well folks,
Month of September is going to end next week and here comes month of October which indicates our future journey that all of us will be facing. Tough or Trouble-free journey ? I have no idea about it. Firstly, as all of us know that the WHITE HYENAS ( Seniors ) are going to leave us soon except Karishan Somu. Hence, we need to recruit more dodgers or people to join our club and team. Thus, that would be my first point.

President's Evaluation
Starting with our seniors team, HYENAS .......

  • Venki - You are the one who taught us ( HYENAS X ) how to play dodgeball and always stand by our side supporting us no matter where you are.
  • Michael - When everyone ask who is the MVP ? We would appreciatively shout, " MICHAEL CHEW ! "
  • Sonul - Frankly, the key of success for HYENAS X partially lies on you because all the while, your the dodger that played very well and we ( HYENAS X) always find alternative strategies to kill you first. Thus, all these had made everyone from HYENAS X unites together as a team.
  • Kari - You know what, I just want to say to you that, " KLANG BOY NEVER DIES UNLIKE THE PJ BOYS ( no offence to the PJ people ^^ ) "
  • Sean - Mr Ex President, you always willing to give me a helping whenever I need your guidance to expand the club.
  • KenLing - You are a very responsible man. You always seek for information about our club no matter how busy you are.
  • Gary - Although I don't really know you that much but I can see that you always get up when you fall and you always keep trying till you succeed. Keep it, bro.
  • Lee Jane - I want to apologise to you for what I have said to you since the day I know you. Honestly, I have no other intention when I'm talking to you. Anyway, you are the first girl I met that is good in catching. I was shock seeing a girl easily catches so many balls during a game. WOW !
  • Alyssa - What's up, SUPERWOMAN ! How's life in New York ? Your the girl inspired MAD people to create a girls team for dodgeball. Feel proud ? Yeah, you should =)
  • Erwin - I realized that I always pronounced your name wrongly. Sorry =) I just want to say that, YOU ARE ALWAYS PART OF HYENAS NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE !
HYENAS X dodgers .....
  • JunHsien - Hey captain, do introduce us except me ( saya sudah bertaubat ) some chicks since you got a few of them. A world class dodger award goes to LEE JUN HSIEN, the SHOTGUN ! -JUNA-
  • Jerrard Leong - I would like to pay a token appreciation to you because you are the one pushed me till so far and always help me when I need your help . PS : We are not GAY ! - Jerra -
  • Subbiah - To be frank, you are the one who brought us ( HYENAS X ) all together as a team. Still remember the first time you called us up for training ? Because of you, WE ARE UNITED AS A TEAM ! Thank you, SUNBEAR ( Don't angry, playing only =) ) - Subba -
  • Frederick - Still remember the first time we argued ? Sigh =( But, it had strengthen our relationship, right ? Now we are BROTHERS man ! - Frederica -
  • ZhenMing - This fella sacrifices his precious time instead of studying, he joined us for dodgeball. We appreciate for what you have been helping and playing with us as a team. - Minga -
  • HuiXian - You always willing to learn to catch balls no matter how hurt were your fingers. You always attend our practice and be part of our team ! - Xiana -
  • Mariam - The girl that attracted lots of dodgers from other team ! WOW , you are improving now. Keep going, girl ! Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya ... - Mariama -
  • PuaSze - IsmellPuaz.blogspot.com , that would be my first comment on you. You always fall down during training but I can see that your self-esteem had pushed you till this far and helped you regain your confidence. - Puaaaz -
  • Olivia - Popeye's wife ! You are everyone's hardworking secretary and photographer. You always helped us to take photos and upload in Facebook. But, don't ever enter to the boy's toilet to snap our photos because I scared that you will FAINT ! hahahahahahha - Oliva -

So, this saturday ( 26th September 2009 ) , HYENAS X will be partcipating for the HELP event. Jun Hsien will help us to register our names and Alvin, I hope you take this opportunity to find your team which consists of 8 dodgers. It's all up to you to form a strong team. Be initiative and I believe one day your team will succeed.

Live As A Team, Win As A Team !

- Abang Chua , 23/9/2009 -

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